About This Site:
This site grew because of my need to publish my thoughts and feelings for the world to hear. Also, it serves as an awesome home page to link to all the sites that collectively make up my online life. The list of sites was getting pretty long, so it seemed only practical.
So, here you will find any projects, thoughts, pictures and ideas that I have digitized and published for the benefit of my massive following of friends and fans. You will also find links to every other site that I'm a part of or have made.
About Me:
Hello, my name is Dan Kraft, and I'm here for your daughters.
I currently go to school at Chippewa Valley Technical College (in the Eau Claire region of Wisconsin), and am studying computer science.
My hobbies include meeting new people, surfing the internet, playing guitar, computer programming, creating music, playing PC games, playing Dungeons and Dragons, and drinking excessively.
And hey, if you would like to know more about me, check out some of the links to stuff I have on the net, its pretty cool shit, at least in my opinion. Heres a recent pic of me. Sorry I have my clothes on.